CR/LF (Carriage Return / Line Feed) characters
missing from Archive file

Below is an example of the start of a correctly formatted Archive file (viewed with Notepad.exe):-

Occasionally, mail servers remove the carriage return/line feed characters from this file & it looks like the following (viewed with Notepad.exe):-

For obvious reasons Perfect Lite cannot interpret or read this file!

To fix this incorrectly formatted file simply open it with WordPad.exe (or Word) & then save it again (as a "txt" file if using Word).  WordPad (or Word) puts these carriage return/line feed characters back in place.

This newly saved file should then look as it should when opened/viewed with Notepad.exe and then be accepted by Perfect Lite.


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(C) Copyright licenced to WADELLO PTY LTD - Page last updated on 04 June 2015.